• General

    • How often does my system need to be serviced?

      Most manufacturers recommend having your home heating system serviced once a year. These visits allow technicians to clean and inspect all parts of the system and perform any necessary repairs. They keep systems functioning much more efficiently and can help to extend the life of the entire system.

    • When is it time to replace my old air conditioning system?

      If your air conditioning system does not seem to be working like it used to, it may be worth looking into a replacement. While you may be put off a bit by the costs of air conditioning replacement, there is actually a lot to be gained by transitioning to a newer model.

      Of course, if your current system is not working properly and you are going to have to pay to repair it anyway, it often makes financial sense just to get a new one. Rather than paying for extensive repairs on an older system, you will probably be better off replacing your older system with a newer, more energy-efficient model. The monthly energy savings alone can make it worth the transition.

    • How long should my air conditioning system last?

      As long as you have it installed properly and take good care of it, any new air conditioning system should last for at least 10 years. Most of the newer models will last up to 15 years as long as regular cleaning and maintenance are performed properly.

    • What can I do to keep my air conditioning system in good shape?

      Just like anything else, an air conditioning system needs to be kept clean and otherwise well-maintained. You can take care of some of this with basic cleaning on your own, but to really extend the life of your equipment, it is a good idea to hire a professional service to carry out annual maintenance checks. The maintenance service that we offer consists of a full inspection and thorough cleaning. In addition, our technicians will carry out any necessary repairs and replace worn out parts to keep your air conditioning system functioning smoothly for years to come.

    • What type of air conditioners are there?

      There are generally four different types of air conditioning systems you can have installed in your home or office. Mini-splits are the most basic but also the most flexible in that you can install a single unit in up to four different rooms to work off the same external source. If you need something a bit more powerful, though, you may want to opt for a split system. These types of air conditioners are made up of an outdoor unit and an indoor unit and they generally work well to cool a couple of rooms in a house. This type of air conditioning system can be especially appropriate if you have recently built an addition onto your existing house. Packaged air conditioners can cool an entire house. They also have an outdoor component that feeds cooler air into a series of ducts. The cooled air then travels throughout your house, cooling all areas uniformly.

      If you have an especially large space to keep cool, you will probably be best off with a larger central air conditioning unit. This operates much like a packaged system, but it is more powerful and can effectively cool large buildings and meeting spaces.

    • How do I choose an air filtration system?

      Choosing an indoor air filtration system can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you are new to this type of thing. The experts at Air One Service can help you sort through all of the information on the various products we offer to find the one that is best suited to your needs.

      Of course, it is always ideal to be able to eliminate as many contaminant particles from your indoor air supply as possible. But not all air cleaning and purification systems are able to target all types of contaminants equally well.

      For instance, some of these systems are more effective against mold and allergens, while others do better at removing dust and odors. Depending on what particular contaminants you or your family members are sensitive to, one of these systems may make more sense than others. And our experts here at Air One Service can help you figure out which one.

    • How do I know what system is right for me?

      To a certain extent, you should be able to get an idea about what type of air conditioner is right for you based on the size of the space you need to cool. However, our technicians have years of experience working with air conditioners and are a good resource when you are trying to make this type of determination. We can help you figure out both what type of system you will need and how powerful you need it to be.

    • When should I replace my heating system?

      There are several reasons to replace your current home heating system with a newer model. Of course, if your system is not working or is frequently in need of repair, you should probably consider an upgrade rather than continuing to pay repair costs.

      However, even if your system is working fine, it may still be worth making the transition to a newer model. That is because the heating systems available now are so much more efficient than their predecessors that the monthly energy savings you will receive on your bill will quickly offset the cost of the installation. Even if your system is not that old, it is worth finding out how it compares to the energy-efficient models on the market today.

    • How do I know what heating system is right for me?

      Each type of heating system, whether based on a furnace or a heat pump, is more appropriate for different types of homes. Heat pumps are generally installed along with central air conditioning systems, so if you are ready for the whole system overhaul, this may be the best option for you. However, there are many instances in which either an electric or gas furnace may be the better choice.

      The best way to find out what system suits your home best is to consult with a professional. When you come to Air One Service, we will send someone out to take a look at your home or business and make recommendations based on the layout and your particular needs.

    • How often do I change my air filter?
      The specific life of an air filter will vary from model to model, but in general, it is recommended that you change your air filter at least every 90 days. However, depending on how high the level of contaminants is in your home and whether or not you have pets, you may be better off changing your filter more often.
    • Where can I get replacement filters?

      You can purchase replacement air filters directly from Air One Service. We offer a variety of high-quality filters so that you can be sure to get the type and size that is right for your system so you will never have to leave your home to try and find the right kind of filter for your system. In fact, a technician from Air One will be happy to stop by and help you with the removal of the old and installation of the new.

    • Is a tankless hot water heater right for me?

      There are quite a few advantages to tankless hot water heaters. They can help save you money because they do not keep a tank of water hot in reserve until you need it. However, they are also typically more expensive to install than more traditional tank hot water heaters. Whether or not a tankless hot water heater will be right for you and your family will depend on the specific situation and the details of your home. Our experts here at Air One Service can help you evaluate your hot water heater options and make it easier to come to an informed decision about what type of water heater to purchase.

    • When it is cold outside, will my outdoor tankless hot water heater still work?

      Tankless hot water heaters that are located outdoors will still be able to provide hot water reliably to you and your family even when temperatures descend below zero. In fact, most of these types of hot water heaters are made to function properly in temperatures down to -30°F.

    • When should I replace my hot water heater?

      There are a number of reasons you may want to consider replacing your hot water heater. If you are calling for frequent repairs, that is a good sign that you may be better off investing in a replacement rather than continuing to pay for repairs.

      Also, if you have noticed that your hot water heater just is not getting the water as hot as it used to or your water is taking too long to heat up, it may be time to start looking around for a new one. These are not the only times when you will want to consider replacing your hot water heater, though.

      In fact, even if you have a hot water heater that has been working well for you, you may benefit from replacing it if it is more than 10 years old. That is because the newer models are simply so much more energy efficient than the older one you probably have in your house right now.

      Whether you opt for a tankless or tank variety, your new hot water heater will immediately save you a considerable amount on your monthly energy bill.

    • How long will my hot water heater last?

      Provided you keep up with all of the proper maintenance, you can expect your new hot water heater to last you at least 10-15 years.